When the news is sad....

We are fortunate to live in a place and time where most of our mothers and babies are healthy and all goes well in a pregnancy. For some, however, that is not their story. Some results identify a child who has a significant chance of having a medical condition that could result in high needs or be life limiting. Scans may show a major anomaly or death of a baby. What we say, how we approach this very sensitive topic is so important to the families. So, when faced with the prospect of delivering difficult news, please take a moment to compose yourself, to consider the needs of the family, to be mindful of the space you create, the words you use and be thoughtful and kind.

SANDS has a number of resources aimed at both families and medical staff who are dealing with a miscarriage, stillbirth or death of a newborn and they offer a 24/7 support line Ph 1300 072 637.  Red Nose has a grief and loss page with a support library and 24/7 support line Ph 1300 308 307. Pink Elephants has resources for those who have experienced miscarriage or early pregnancy loss. The Pregnancy Birth & Baby helpline Ph 1800 882 436 has counsellors or early childhood nurses available.  

Peer support is available and Harrison's Little Wings has resources developed by those who have travelled the path of having a significant fetal anomaly identified antenatally.

A reflection by a colleague who lost her child is told in Remembering Juniper (trigger warning).

The Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) host a number of resources, including information on dealing with the psychological and social aspects of perinatal bereavement.