A child is born and a family is created or forever changed. All the information you gathered during your pregnancy as you planned for the birth is no longer needed as you focus on the next part of your journey. Don't panic. Billions have done this before and there is lots of assistance available. Your family, friends, neighbours and healthcare team are here to help; together we can work our way through the maze!
Links to specific information in the form of leaflets, brochures or videos I have placed below. Websites with broad information I have on the right.
RANZCOG: Information on the first few weeks following birth
Returning to sport or exercise after birth
Introducing solids (Raising Children Network)
How to introduce solid foods to babies for allergy prevention (from 4-6 months of age)
Baby mealtimes (Commercial website, some free content)
Solid Starts (USA site, some free, some paid content)
Speech milestones
ASD Detect (parent app when there are concerns a child may be on the autistic spectrum)
Good information is available from sites such as raising children, pregnancy, birth & baby, parentline, possums ndc, RCH (Melbourne) SCH (Sydney) and Triple P (yes, their programs start from birth!)
Safe sleeping
Making up a cot
More than one baby?
COPE is doing terrific work talking about the emotional aspects of transitioning to parenting.
Mum Mood Booster is designed to assist with postnatal depression
For When can help link you into appropriate mental health services
Other helpful mental health sites are: Smiling Mind What were we thinking? Head to Health This Way Up For When
Blue Knot provides information and support for anyone who is affected by complex trauma
ACT for parents with babies
Medication use while breastfeeding (LactMed)
Breastfeeding information from ABA
Information on the pelvic floor
Pelvic floor app
Information on crying
Not sure where to get help for almost anything in Australia? Ask Izzy
Common issues that may arise. No need to panic, but there are some things you should know
Rashes in newborns. The ones you don’t have to worry about.
Busy? Too busy? Way too busy? Perhaps it is time to reconsider your choices
Smoking is an expensive way to ruin your health. And baby’s health. Please quit.
Should I move the vase/knife block, secure the stairs and/or the TV or learn CPR? YES!
I know. You can’t believe how many times you have visited the doctor since baby was born! It feels like you live at the doctors! Here are some tips for when to see the doctor and what questions we might ask.
This is my take on what to do when people keep giving you advice, most of which you did not ask for and most of which is not useful!
Having a newborn is like no other experience you will ever have. You will need help and I explore a few ideas on where to find it.